Dr G. Taru Sharma is a molecular reproductive biologist, with the major research emphasis on stem cell therapeutics in livestock and pets, did her doctorate in 1989 from ICAR-IVRI in Animal Physiology as a Major discipline, Animal Biochemistry and Animal Reproduction as Minor disciplines, PDF in 1999 from LSU, Baton Rouge, USA on somatic cell cloning using bovine IVF embryos. Before joining NIAB, she served as a Principal Scientist and Head Physiology and Climatology Division, Director Centre for Advanced Faculty Training and Chairperson, faculty of Veterinary Physiology, at ICAR- IVRI, Izatnagar. During last 35 years of research and academic experience she did serve at the ICAR-Central institute for research on goats, Makhdoom, Centre for Biotechnology, NDDB, Mumbai, mentored by Prof. KKG Menon at NDDB and Dr. Lalji Singh at CCMB, Hyderabad for buffalo embryo sexing. Research Scientist at Bio Med., a vaccine producing unit, established a Cell culture Lab of QC Unit.
Dr. Sharma has developed a novel and efficacious three-dimensional (3D) microenvironment model, developed efficient technique for buffalo female germplasm cryopreservation in indigenously developed cryo-device. Elucidated expression pattern profile and characterization of developmental important gene for in-vitro produced and in-vivo derived buffalo embryos. Documented, excellent studies on translational feasibility & application of adult/fetal stem cells, her group has made a dent to highlight the molecular and cellular characterization from the bone marrow derived stem cells of buffaloes, goat fetal adnexa derived stem cells authenticated by its therapeutic application, before and after cryopreservation. Developed stem cells impregnated scaffolds for therapeutics. She has published 141 research papers of International repute and presented more than 223 papers at various National and International platform. She is Fellow NASI, NAAS (EC member), FAO and SAPI, has mentored more than a thirty M.V.Sc and Ph.D scholars, authored books/ book chapters, applied four patents, commercialized a technology. Member of the Inter academia panel for women in STEMM. Dr. Sharma holds important positions in various scientific societies and she is the founder president of Animal Physiologists Association.
1. Sivanarayanan T.B, Irfan A. Bhat, Sharun Khan, Sangeetha Palakkara, Rashmi Singh, Remya V, Mehtab S.Parmar, Rahul Bhardwaj, Vikash Chandra, Palanivelu Munusawmy, Prakash Kinjavdekar, A.M.Pawde, Amarpal and G. Taru Sharma (2023) Allogenic bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and it’s conditioned media for repairing acute and subacute peripheral nerve injuries in a rabbit model. Tissue and Cell 82; 102053; 1-12.
2. Huidrom Lakshmi Devi, Dhanaji Shital Nagargoje, Pandey Sriti, Chandra Vikash, G. Taru Sharma (2022) Embryo-Uterine Cross-Talk: Exploration of immunomodulatory mechanism in buffalo. Animal animals-12, 3138.
3. Khan Sharun, Sathish Muthu, Pratheesh D. Mankuzhy, Abhijit M. Pawde, Vikash Chandra, Jose M. Lorenzo, Kuldeep Dhama, Amarpal, G. Taru Sharma (2022) Cell-free therapy for canine osteoarthritis: Current evidence and prospects. Veterinary Quarterly, 224-230, DOI: 10.1080/01652176.2022.2145620.
4. Lakshmi Devi H., Shital Nagargoje D., Shriti Pandey, Yasotha T., Vikash Chandra and G. Taru Sharma (2022). Impact of uterine epithelial cells and its conditioned medium on the in vitro embryo production in buffalo Theriogenology
5. Bilal Ahmad Peer, Abas Rashid Bhat, Uffaq Shabir, Mukesh Kumar Bharti, Irfan Ahmad Bhat Sriti Pandey Khan Sharun, Rohit Kumar, Karikalan Mathesh, Gutulla Saikumar, Vikash Chandra Amarpal, G. Taru Sharma (2022) Comparative evaluation of fracture healing potential of differentiated and undifferentiated guinea pig and canine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in a guinea pig model. Tissue and Cell, 76, 101768.
6. Uffaq Shabir, Irfan Ahmad Bhat, Bilal Ahmad Pir, Mukesh Kumar Bharti, Sriti Pandey, Gutulla SaiKumar, Vikash Chandra, Arvind Sonewane, G. Taru Sharma (2022) Smad4 and γ-secretase knock-down effect on osteogenic differentiation mediated via Runx2 in canine mesenchymal stem cells. Research in Veterinary Science Volume 145, July 2022, Pages 116-124.
7. Vikash Chandra, Pratheesh Mankuzhy and G. Taru Sharma (2021). Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Veterinary Regenerative Therapy: Basic Physiology to Clinical Applications . Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 16(8). DOI 10.2174/1574888X16666210804112741.
8. Anjali Somal, Irfan A. Bhat, Sriti Pandey, Mohd. Matin Ansari, Sriti Pandey, Mukesh K Bharti, Vikash Chandra, G. Taru Sharma (2021). Comparative analysis of the immunomodulatory potential of caprine fetal adnexa derived mesenchymal stem cells. Molecular Biology Reports 48 (5), 3913-392310.1007/s11033-021-06383-0TR.
9. Sriti Pandey, Lakshmi Devi H., Irfan Ahmad Bhat, Indu B., Mukesh Kumar Bharti, Uffaq Shabir, Bilal Ahmad Peer, Vikash Chandra, G. Taru Sharma (2021). Expression profile of adhesion molecules in blastocyst vis-a-vis uterine epithelial cells. Theriogenology 170 (2021) 36-45.
10. Pratheesh Mankuzhy, Sreekumar T. Ramesh, Yasotha Thirupathy, Ponny S.MohandasVikash Chandra, G. Taru Sharma (2021) The preclinical and clinical implications of fetal adnexa derived mesenchymal stromal cells in wound healing therapy. Wound Repair Regeneration DOI: 10.1111/wrr.12911.
11. G. Taru Sharma, Amar Nath, Shiv Prasad, Sumit Singhal,Vikash Chandra Gutulla Saikumar (2020) Expression pattern of GLUT 1, 5, 8 and citrate synthase transcripts in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) preimplantation embryos produced in vitro and derived in vivo. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 55(10) doi; 10.1111/rda.13782. 55:1362-1376.
12. Anand Joseph, Indu Baiju, Irfan A. Bhat, Sriti Pandey, Mukesh Bharti, Megha Verma, Anuj Pratap Singh, Matin M. Ansari, Vikash Chandra, G. Saikumar, Amarpal and G. Taru Sharma (2020) Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Conditioned Media: A Novel Alternative of Stem Cell Therapy for Quality Wound Healing. Journal of Cellular Physiology. DOI: 10.1002/jcp.29486. 235:5555–5569.
13. Mukesh K Bharti, Irfan A. Bhat, Sriti Pandey, Uffaq Shabi, Bilal A. Peer, B. Indu, Abas Rashid Bhat, G.SaiKumar, Amarpal , Vikash Chandra, G.Taru Sharma (2020). Effect of cryopreservation on therapeutic potential of canine bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells augmented meshs scaffold for wound healing in guinea pig. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 121,109573.
14. Irfan A. Bhat, Sivanarayanan T.B, Anjali Somal, Sriti PandeyMukesh B., BibudattaS.K.Panda, Indu B., MeghaVerma,Anand J., Arvind Sonwane, G.Saikumar, Amarpal, Vikash Chandra and G. Taru Sharma (2019). An allogenic therapeutic strategy for canine spinal cord injury using mesenchymal stem cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 234:2705–2718.
15. Anjali Somal, Irfan A. Bhat, Indu B., Anuj Pratap Singh, Bibhudatta S. K. Panda, PerumalArumugamDesingu, Sriti Pandey, Mukesh Kumar Bharti, Amarpal, G. Saikumar, Vikash Chandra and G. Taru Sharma (2017). Impact of cryopreservation on caprine fetal adnexa derived stem cells and its evaluation for growth kinetics, phenotypic characterization and wound healing potential in xenogenic rat model. Journal of Cellular Physiology.232: 2186–2200.
Core – 12 (ICAR-IVRI)
Extramural – 14
DBT- 6
NASF/NAE – 2/1
ICAR-Flaghsip- 2
Indo-US- 1
National Institute of Animal Biotechnology
Survey No. 37, Opp. Journalist Colony
Extended Q City Road, Near Gowlidoddy
Gachibowli, Hyderabad
Telangana – 500032
Email: tarusharma[at]niab[dot]org[dot]in
Tel: +91-(0)40-2312-0101/102
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