राष्ट्रीय पशु जैव प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान

National Institute of Animal Biotechnology

An Autonomous Institute of the Department of Biotechnology,
Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India

Genotyping Facility

The Applied Biosystems
GeneTitan MC Fast Scan Instrument
(Thermofisher Scientific, USA)
Computational facility to control, execute
and run GeneTitan and data analysis


The Applied Biosystems GeneTitan MC Fast Scan Instrument using Axiom 2.0 assay provides a hands-free, automated solution for genome-wide SNP genotyping and copy number variation analysis for genomics applications.

Sample(Library) preparation:

The GeneTitan MC Fast Scan Instrument is automated to work with hybridization ready samples, however initial sample preparation involves multiple procedures including quality control. The following instruments are used in the sample preparation and quality control for SNP genotyping.

1. Nanodrop

2. Hybridization Oven

3. Centrifuge Machine

4. Thermal Cycler

5. UV Gel Documentation Unit