राष्ट्रीय पशु जैव प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान

National Institute of Animal Biotechnology

An Autonomous Institute of the Department of Biotechnology,
Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India

Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)

The composition and contact details of members of Internal Complaint Committee is as given below:

Name Role Mail ID Phone Number
Prof. Krishnaveni Mishra, UoH Chairperson krishnaveni.mishra[at]gmail[dot]com --
Dr. Sanjay Singh Member sanjay[at]niab[dot]org[dot]in 040 2312 0135
Dr. Madhuri Subbiah Member madhuri[at]niab[dot]org[dot]in 040 2312 0143
Mr. Santosh N Mhadeshwar Member santosh[at]niab[dot]org[dot]in 040 2312 0110
Smt. V. Padmavathi I/C KGNMT-NGO External Member kgnmtrusthyd[at]gmail[dot]com --
Ms. S V Dilna Member Convener dilna[at]niab[dot]org[dot]in 040 2312 0148